dijous, d’octubre 18, 2007

Ei, que sóc un espia americà

2 comentaris:

Bernat Agullo ha dit...

ei --
aixo es un hit total -- pero no s'acaba de veure el q i el com -- es un joc no?
als espies, pero, normalment els diuen on es la guixeta :D
la machiko pregunta q si ets actor o q!

tobuushi ha dit...

Forma part d'un joc per promocionar un producte de l'empresa www.bytware.com per usuaris del sistema i de IBM.
Ha estat presentat a la darrera fira a Columbus (Ohaio). Alli els assistents revien part de la informacio que els adreçava al video, per aixo no queda massa clar per la gents que no esta al corrent.

Mes informacio:

This new promotion is a viral campaign designed to promote awareness of PHP security issues. The game takes the form of a YouTube video and a game site, and will play out until mid December. (Bytware writes security and anti-virus software for the IBM System i server... formerly knows as the iSeries or AS/400.)

The promotion was launched at an IBM user group conference on October 14 in Columbus. Banner pens that had the instructions, spy buttons pinned to the bags you get at check-in, and the ad on the back of the expo guide were part of the launch promotion. The instructions that were given at the conference were to go to YouTube and search on the term "i5virus." That will pull up the video.

So that you can play through the whole site without having to go and read things looking for clues, here are the answer:

Clue 1: button
Clue 2: DB2 UDB
Clue 3: c99shell
Clue 4: Bear Republic Investments
Clue 5: errmsg
Clue 6: NIST 800-61

You should try entering a wrong answer, too, though. We have a special cut screen for that as well.

A Machiko digue-li que no som actros pero una perita agencia com nosaltres no podem pagar actor per fer al a feina i el meu company i jo em hagur de fer tots el papers de l'auca, video, musica, copy, interpretacio...